Monday, July 09, 2007

Unpacking, Part (I Forget)

I have a ticket outta this burg for Thursday night. Where will I live in Cairo? I don't have the nerve to face the Hot Landlord of Zamalek again.

In JC, I toss some things I was unpacking back into boxes and shove them under the bed. My goal has been to throw things away. I shredded seven years of financial records. I still didn't get around to digitizing my vinyl. It's in my garage, at the back, where the floods won't reach it.

I pick up a photo, then smile.

It's me, editor David Wohl and editor Kelly Corvese at Billy Bob's Texas. What year? I don't know. We were at a comic book convention nearby. Kelly's bag held up the plane at Newark. We got stuck in Houston the first night. Clive Barker took us to a nightclub the second night. David was considering moving to California to go work for Image. Clive's attitude was marvelous, telling him "Go to Image, David. You can always change your mind later."

Take a risk. I laugh now looking back at it. Seemed like such a major decision at the time, but life is intended to evolve, not sit in one place.


Marie Javins said...

I think that was the same trip where we took the Wachowski Bros to Six Flags. Or am I getting my conventions mixed up?

Who knew then what the future held...

Don Hudson said...

That could have been in 1994. Dave was in Santa Monica in 1995.

Marie Javins said...

But he was in San Diego for a while before moving to Santa Monica. I can't remember how long, though...

David Wohl said...

It was 1993. I pretty much gave notice as soon as I got back to New York and moved shortly thereafter. Unfortunately that move included an ill advised cross country journey with my mom that would've easily been voted my least fun cross country trip, if it wasn't for the dreaded Chris Ivy debacle of 1989...

Marie Javins said...

Hey, are you trying to set off his Google Alerts!

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