Thursday, May 03, 2007

A Souvenir from Tokyo

While unpacking my souvenirs, I came across a packet of "Nippless." You can buy all manner of strange and quirky things in Tokyo. I bought these during a stopover in 2003 when I was heading Down Under to spend the winter with Turbo in the Aussie summer.

I can't really see how Nippless would have an advantage over the plain old Band-Aids some of us wore before bra strap-showing became acceptable, but then I'm probably not in their target market.


Anne-Marie Weeden said...

Maybe I should get some. My right nipple seems to be more sensitive than the left to cold etc after surgery.... Plus it's still faintly blue which I found out this week may never wear off completely. Joy!

Sorry to hijack your blog with nipple talk but you started it...

Hope the rain's wearing off over there

Marie Javins said...

Anne-Marie, if you ever want my Nippless, you are certainly welcome to them. I'll send them right over.

That doesn't sound right, does it? :)

Anonymous said...

i love how they tell you so politely "please put it on your bust" like they're saying HEY YOU! DO THIS! YOU NEED IT! hahaha, but yeh i'm sure its just the translators not having any clue...
Love your blogs chica. Cheers

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