Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Making the Doughnuts

It's hard to believe I've been home for six weeks already.

Fifty days ago, my fingers clenched the dust-embedded seat of a 25-year-old Fiat as my Cairo taxi driver yelled directions to his colleague, both keeping a casual eye on the road as they sped along while conversing through open windows. A few weeks before that, I giggled at Craig for having to eat a raw artichoke heart in the front seat. A month earlier I was flashed by the Zamalek bridge, and before that battled wits with owners and real estate agents as I attempted to find a decent apartment for a short-term let. (I lost.)

And now, I am in New York, crushed below the day job. I am it--editorial and production rolled into one. Editor-in-Chief, USA, in charge of me and my alter-ego, who scans, sets up files for color, then shows them to me the busy editor to ask if they are okay.

Most readers probably have some vague idea that I make comic books. I'm an editor. I used to be a colorist. Before that, an editor. Before that, a colorist. Sometimes I'd do both, the day job and the freelance job. That led to me having zero social life, which in turn led to me realizing I didn't care so much about many of the trappings of modern life. At some point, I realized that you can have a day job and one other thing. Will that other thing be a sport? A family? A social life? A condo renovator? Or a career as a book writer?

At the moment, I'm a comic book editor and interior designer/unpacker.

But what, you may wonder, am I doing all day? What comic books are worth moving to Cairo and Kuwait for?

Wonder no more. You can learn all about it here on this YouTube trailer for a documentary about my boss.


Marie Javins said...

Of course, I'd have moved to Kuwait or Cairo for the sheer novelty of it. But the paycheck makes it more enticing.

Marc Siry said...

Nice trailer- I wish they had thrown up a lower third to identify the artist and the female staffer.

Do you make an appearance?

Marie Javins said...

What, and ruin the illusion that fairies make comics?

Steve Buccellato said...

Nice trailer. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! And happy to contibute to The 99!

Marie Javins said...

I know what you mean, Steve. If I have to do a day job instead of focusing on my own work, at least I can feel good that I'm contributing in a small way to something useful.

Linda said...

"...some of the best talent in the comic book world." And that includes you, of course.

Marie Javins said...

Well, no, then he would have said "best dik-dik wranglers."

Amanda Castleman said...

Marie stuffed at least six copies of "The 99" into my much-abused suitcase. And ... well ... I'm converted...

Not to Islam, mind, but to earnest "global village" comics.

You guys rock the kasbah. And the mall!

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm so glad to finally be clued in on what you've been doing! Look for the YouTube video and a mention this weekend on ComicMix!

Marie Javins said...

Elayne, it's time for me to send you copies and explain. I'll go see if I can find your email address.

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