Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tonight at Bluestockings

I'm being interviewed tonight at Where Have You Been? at Bluestockings bookstore on the Lower East Side! And Kelly kindly mentioned it on

Jeff Stark, the host, is talking to me for an hour about the whole shebang:, Stalking the Wild Dik-Dik, my comic book editing adventures in New York, Kuwait, and Cairo, living in Uganda, Barcelona, Namibia, and maybe even Jersey City.

The whole thing starts at 7. I go on second. Suggested donation (hat passes around) is $5. Bluestockings is an independent, activist bookstore at 172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington.

It would be helpful if someone showed up.


Elayne said...

Hey, I've already done my time at Bluestockings. :)

I wish I still worked in the city, I'd be there in a heartbeat!

Kel said...

A whole hour huh? I'll be sure to bring some popcorn (and I won't throw it at ya, promise.) Looking forward to it...see ya later.

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