Sunday, March 11, 2007

Yoga and Temples

I’d barely gotten to Luxor before it was time to leave.

And so, as I practiced my yoga while shaving my legs in a bathtub at the New Winter Palace Hotel, I contemplated my options.

There was a 9:35 a.m. train to El Banyara. The necropolis of Abydos was near there. I could see this, and then head back on the train (7 hours) to Cairo. I’d sleep in my own bed tonight.

Or I could spend the day in Luxor, check out the famous temple of Karnak again, go see a Ramses temple I’d missed last time, and visit the Mummification Museum. I’d then take a sleeper car back tonight, arriving in Giza tomorrow morning, to go home, shower, and go to work.

There were advantages to both. I’d surely not have another chance to see Abydos, which is totally out of the way unless you are a resident of El Banyara. But Luxor offered more bang for the buck, as well as countless opportunities for meaningful interactions with touts.

In the end, I decided it would depend on when I finished shaving my legs and got out of the hotel.

9:20 a.m. I’ll try for Abydos. Maybe I’ll make it.


Marie Javins said...

It went smoothly until the inevitable taxi battle at the end, and then the train only had second class, no first class, for El B to El Giza (Cairo). Which isn't uncomfortable, but tourists go first class usually... which means I got to provide the entertainment for 7 hours. My jaw hurts from all that damn smiling. I need a nap.

Amanda Castleman said...

Bathtub yoga?

You've already surpassed me...

Marie Javins said...

Necessity is the mother of bathtub yoga.

Evalinn said...

Marie, I really enjoy reading about your travelling in Egypt, reminds me of my own trip there about 10 years ago...

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