Thursday, December 07, 2006

Can I Win a Prize for This?


I've been on deadline and haven't had time to procrastinate... much. I did play this addictive geography game a few times. It really annoyed me, because I couldn't quite click on the right spot on the tiniest countries and then it told me I was wrong. YES, I do know where Bahrain is! But I figured out where it wanted me to click and to my embarrassment, though I could find Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, and Benin, I missed Romania.


Amanda said...

Geez, I think you deserve a prize for that! My score was a sad 35. I do not know my South American countries.

susan said...

You can zoom in which makes it easier, (use the slider bar in the upper left hand corner) and then you can drag the map around as long as you click and hold on "water" to drag -- if you click on a country accidentally in an attempt to drag then you lose time. I say this from experience, having spent (wasted?) tons of time on this challenge when I should have been writing a paper. I just can't break 60...

David Wohl said...

The key is timing. If you're wrong (and relatively close) and answer quickly it gives you more points than if you're right but take a while to figure it out.

Not that I've played it. I'm too busy. But that's what I hear.

David Wohl said...

OOPS I was talking about THIS geography game

Anonymous said...

How did you post your score? I got a 96 and wanted to show it off on my blog! All I could manage was posting the actual program, but when you try and play all the countries names come up in Japanese. weird.

Marie Javins said...

Emma, I took a screenshot of the graphic and made it a jpeg in Photoshop, and I swiped the source code for the rest and integrated it into my HTML. Piece o' cake!?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I figured it out! What a fun game, I've looked at the one David posted above as well. Very tough, I mixed up Curitiba and Parati in Brazil and was over 1000 miles off, oops!

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