Monday, November 13, 2006

Red States

Pernille's blog pointed the way to this cool online tool that makes a map of countries you've visited.

Here's my map. The large gaps seems daunting, but perhaps I can do something about El Salvador, Ireland, Korea, Portugal, and Denmark.


Ed Ward said...

Oh, I can really recommend Denmark, albeit not at this time of year, and my friends all speak glowingly about Portugal.

And you've missed the Caribbean? Shame! Wait'll JC gets a little colder, then head down there!

Marie Javins said...

Caribbean? I hate the beach. Full of sand, heat, and sunburn. Blech! Though I like snorkeling. And I used to like scuba diving, though my license is long since expired.

Ed Ward said...

I hate the beach, too, and I think that inland's where the fun is down there. Jungles, animals, exotic fruit...

Marie Javins said...

And Mr. Ward, where is your map?

Ed Ward said...

Aaah, it'd be boring. Europe, Japan, some Caribbean.

But...always a nice way to waste time!

Ed Ward said...

I tried to post it, but failed. If I send you the code, could you try? Then you can mock me for my pathetic tiny little cluster of countries.

Marie Javins said...

So many ways to do this! Send me the code and I'll send you back a graphic.

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