Sunday, March 05, 2006

Damn Dirty Apes

I'm writing a chapter for my book (Stalking the Wild Dik-Dik, from Seal Press, about me going overland from Cape Town to Cairo in 2001, for anyone who just tuned in.)

Actually, no. I'm staring at a Word document written in 9/2001 and moving things around in it. The chaper is about being in Dar Es Salaam from roughly 9/12 to 9/14, having left Zanzibar after 9/11 because it seemed foolish to spend a lot of money on a hotel just to sit in the lobby and stare at CNN.

One thing I really want to do--because in my brain, it seems somehow relevant--is include a quote from Planet of the Apes in this chapter.

"It's a mad house, a mad house," is, of course, relevant. But that could be from anything, not just from Planet of the Apes.

Who has a relevant Planet of the Apes quote for me? One about a world gone mad, in which there are far more apes than chimpanzees, in which George Taylor has good cause to say: "You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"


Jared said...

"You cut up his brain you bloody baboon!""
Here is a link for you:

Steve Buccellato said...

Don't know if any are relevant, but...

"It still doesn't make any sense--A planet where ape evolved from man? There's got to be an answer..."

And Dr. Zaius' response:

"Don't look for it, Taylor. You may not light what you find."

And, of course: