I enjoyed the pictures. The not-offensive picture didn't tell me much until I clicked on it and saw it larger. I see a couple of heroic-looking men without faces, but a picture underneath them has a face. Please explain.
You know, it's like the cartoon controversy. It's forbidden to show the face of Allah or Mohammed, and some others as well. In some forms of Islam, you are not supposed to draw any living thing, which is why in ancient times, all the art is based on beautiful calligraphy.
MMM. Pork. As Brett calls it, "The Christian Meat." Congratulations, that's quite the treat. INFIDELICIOUS!
Say hello to the Prof!
I enjoyed the pictures. The not-offensive picture didn't tell me much until I clicked on it and saw it larger. I see a couple of heroic-looking men without faces, but a picture underneath them has a face. Please explain.
You know, it's like the cartoon controversy. It's forbidden to show the face of Allah or Mohammed, and some others as well. In some forms of Islam, you are not supposed to draw any living thing, which is why in ancient times, all the art is based on beautiful calligraphy.
I also like the guy at the souk holding the hand puppets of Bush and Saddam.
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