Monday, January 16, 2006

Passing the Buck. Dinar, I mean.

Wondering "Where the heck is Marie's blog about the Emir funeral day?"

Me too. I finished up the 400 words (which became 500) for Tim Leffel's book, and now I really need to take advantage these two days to edit pony books for Bobbie and color some Gemstone comics. Then my plate will be clean for the dreaded book.

So until I write my own story about the Emir, check out Sven's.


Jared said...

Are there comic books or strips in the Mid East? I was always told that traditionally Islamic art steered clear of depictions of people because of idolatry. This would seem to eliminate comics. Depending on devoutness of course. Just wondering.

Marie Javins said...

There is one Egyptian comic book. Soon they will have to change their slogan from "the Middle East's only comic book."

In traditional Islamic art, things are highly stylized because you're not supposed to depict living things. I don't know if that includes plants or just animals. That's why this building at the Registan in Samarkand is so unique. (My own shot of this is pathetic, having been scanned god-knows-where in some 'Stan, so I just linked to a gif on a total stranger's site.)

What does all this mean for comic books in the Middle East, such as the ones my employer is putting out? I really don't know. Maybe it's only religious art that has this provision, as I've certainly seen paintings of rulers from Iran's past. Maybe someone who visits here will tell us, and I won't have to wander around asking people something where they might laugh a lot at me.

Jewaira said...

There are several Kuwaiti comic books published locally; check out the local stationary shops (in Hawally or Co-Ops) and you will see many children's comics/magazines.

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